
Unbeatable Latinas

Sinopsis de Unbeatable Latinas


In Unbeatable Latinas, Valeria Aloe takes us on a transformative journey. She begins by examining how ancestral cultural messages —such as «be humble,» «just work hard,» «be grateful for what you already have,» and «don’t create conflict»— have historically hindered our professional advancement, leaving many of us feeling undervalued, underpaid, or unsupported in our growth.

Aloe invites us to unlearn those cultural influences, to rebel against the remnants of machismo, colorism, and scarcity rooted in our collective unconscious, and to become courageous leaders committed to transforming our mindsets so we can radically transform our workplaces.

Throughout these pages, Aloe provides a detailed roadmap for our professional success tailored to our unique cultural needs, highlighting key catalysts for our growth such as building authentic professional brands, confidently advocating for our ideas, creating a supportive network
of mentors and sponsors, and balancing multiple demands from our jobs and families. Each chapter inspires immediate action through microsteps, which, though seemingly small in the present, lead to exponential changes over time.

«This book legitimized me; it made me feel less alone in my experiences and offered me an action plan to emancipate myself from our limiting cultural beliefs. I feel seen and heard.»
Sara S.

Ficha Técnica

Publicación29 oct 2024
Sentido lecturaOccidental
PresentaciónEpub 2

Sobre la autora de Unbeatable Latinas

Valeria Aloe

Valeria Aloe es una consultora experta en cultura, diversidad, equidad e inclusión, así como conferencista, autora galardonada y fundadora de Rising Together. Siendo la primera en su familia en asistir a la universidad y en acceder a espacios profesionales, tanto en su Argentina natal como en los Estados Unidos, Valeria tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en la gestión de marcas, el desarrollo de negocios y finanzas en corporaciones líderes en siete países, incluyendo Procter & Gamble, Citibank, Reckitt Benckiser, TIAA y PricewaterhouseCoopers.

En 2018 lanzó Rising Together, una empresa de consultoría y de desarrollo de talento que tiene como misión ayudar a cerrar las brechas de género y liderazgo en la comunidad latina. A través
de ella, Valeria ayuda a empresas Fortune500 a atender las necesidades culturales únicas de sus profesionales latinos y apoyar a sus gerentes y líderes no latinos a convertirse en mentores y patrocinadores del talento hispano.

Su trabajo ha sido reconocido con varios premios, incluyendo “Top 100 Latina en los EE.UU. en 2023”, “Top 50 Mujeres en Negocios en Nueva Jersey en 2020” y “5ª hispana más influyente en Nueva Jersey en 2021”. Su primer libro, Latinas Descolonizadas, ganó el primer lugar en la categoría de no ficción en el Festival del Libro de Nueva York, entre otros 16 reconocimientos
nacionales e internacionales.

Valeria es Vicepresidenta de Lean In Latina Surge National y forma parte del Consejo de Graduados de Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Posee títulos universitarios en Administración
de Empresas y en Finanzas de la Universidad Católica Argentina, un MBA del Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth y una Maestría en Ciencias Espirituales. Actualmente, está cursando
un Doctorado en Ciencias Espirituales.

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About the author
Valeria Aloe is a consultant expert in culture and diversity, as well as a speaker, an award-winning author, and the founder of Rising Together.

The first in her family to graduate from college and access corporate spaces both in her native Argentina and in the United States, Valeria accumulates more than 20 years of experience in brand management, business development and finance in leading corporations across seven countries, including Procter & Gamble, Citibank, Reckitt Benckiser, TIAA, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In 2018 she launched Rising Together, a consulting and workforce development company with a mission to help close gender and leadership gaps in the Latino community. Through this company, Valeria assists Fortune 500 companies in addressing the unique cultural needs of their Latino professionals and supports their non-Latino managers and leaders in becoming more assertive mentors and sponsors of Latino talent.

Her work has been recognized with several awards, including «Top 100 Latina in the U.S. in 2023,» «Top 50 Women in Business in New Jersey in 2020,» and «5th Most Influential Hispanic in New Jersey in 2021.» Her first book, Uncolonized Latinas, won first place in the non-fiction category at the New York Book Festival, among 16 other national and international recognitions.

Valeria is the Vice President of Lean In Latina Surge National and serves in the Latin American and Caribbean Alumni Council of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. She holds Business Administration and Finance degrees from Universidad Católica Argentina, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and a Master’s in Spiritual Sciences.She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Spiritual Sciences. 

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